Pope Francis. Europa Press
September 14, 2024
The Pope has urged Venezuela ‘s political actors to «engage in dialogue» and, although he has acknowledged that he has not been following the situation in the country in recent days, he has stated that in any case «dictatorships are useless and end badly, sooner or later.»
Francis was asked on the plane back from his tour of Asia and Oceania about the political situation in the country in the face of allegations of fraud in the presidential elections on July 28. «The message I give to the rulers is to dialogue and make peace,» he stressed.
Once again, the Pope has condemned abortion and has assured that science shows that just one month after conception, the fetus has all the organs of the human body. «Aborting is killing a human being. You like the word, or you don’t like it, but it is killing,» he said. «The Church does not permit abortion because it is killing , it is murder, and we must be clear about this. We must speak clearly about these things,» he said, assuring that there are no «buts» that are worth it.
1 Comment
Rubén Torres
2 meses agoHe aquí uno de los motivos por lo que jamás se debió consentir la libertad de la religión. Me refiero a que se condena el derecho al aborto. Si tenemos en cuenta que sobran más de 6.000 millones de personas, pues que se practiquen unos cuantos abortos, pues todo ayuda.
Francisco peca de super hipócrita, pues las religiones han sido las promotoras de cientos de guerras con las bendiciones de la iglesia. Y tiene la desfachatez de decir que no se debe matar a nadie.